Great News

Dearest friends & readers it is with great joy & celebration that I report:

After 11 months trying, countless doctor visits in both Florida and Illinois, med changes, countless sticks peed on, more than 25 pounds lost, and gallons of tears shed:

Martin and I are officially having a baby!!!

We’re going to be parents!!!

We were lucky enough to have already planned visits with both sets of our parents, so we were able to share the news in person with my parents two weekends ago, and this past weekend with Martin’s parents. We sent letters to my grandparents and Martin’s sister with special notes about the upcoming arrival. Once we heard from each of them, we posted it on Facebook and let our worlds know the wonderful news. We let Noodles say it best:


I’m utterly over the moon, and almost in disbelief. By my calculations, I’m due on July 6, 2018. I’ve had blood tests and hormone levels checked, and all is well so far. (My doctor has me supplementing progesterone to help my levels, but that’s it so far) My first ultrasound and prenatal appointment are on December 4th so we’ll have a more accurate due date after that.

I know I’ve written before about “keeping secrets” and want to assure you that we’ve only known long enough to confirm with the doctors that the second line on the stick was really actually truly real and tell siblings, parents, and grandparents.


I’ve felt like a terrible friend the past couple of weeks because I have a hard time talking to people I know and love when I have a secret. I feel like I’ve been giving out radio silence and being an absentee friend/relative while we took the time to tell siblings, parents, and grandparents first.

If I’ve been silent with you: I’m so sorry. Consider this my apology, but now you know why! I’m back!!!

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